Patient Support
When you come for your appointment, remember to bring the following:
- Bring a family member to help with some of these things. If English is not your native language, then they will also be helpful to understand the nature of the problem, and its treatment
- Medicare or the veteran affairs card
- List of medications
- Referral letter from your GP, family physician or Specialist
- Have your insurance information, as applicable
- Copies of operation records, medical records, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans etc from prior doctor visits
- If you have had surgery elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operation report
- CD or similar with Angiogram or Echo images will need to be sent from your referring doctor if these have been done
Very often during the course of your evaluation or treatment for your condition your doctor will require X-rays to determine the cause of a problem or to evaluate your progress. If not all the relevant information is available at the time of your appointment this may cause a delay in your treatment. In addition it may be necessary to repeat a study to complete your evaluation.
Please dress so that the body part you are having trouble with can be easily examined and/or X-rayed.